Yearbook grad quotes and baby photos are due December 21st
All Grads are required to submit a grad quote for Yearbook. Here is how to do it:
1) Get your Grad Pin
Yearbook has visited the majority of Grade 12 Block B Classes to give students their grad pin, if you have a spare or miss the presentation for any reason, you can email James Darby at jamesd9037@sd61learn.ca to get your Grad Pin.
2) Visit http://mountdouglas.ca/webusers/ybgrad/
Select your name from a drop down menu and enter your grad pin to log in.
3) Submit your Grad Quote, Vote for Most Likely To’s and Upload a Baby Photo
Once you are logged in the website will prompt you to submit a grad quote, vote on the most likely to’s, and upload a baby photo (optional).
4) The deadline for submissions is Friday December 21st.