To apply to attend Mount Doug:
If you are presently enrolled in a school in the Greater Victoria School District, please contact mtdouginfo@sd61.bc.ca or melliot@sd61.bc.ca
If you are new to the Greater Victoria School District, you can register on-line by accessing this District Website; https://www.sd61.bc.ca/registration/online-registration/
Annual K – 12 Student Transfer Process
For more information on in-catchment school pathways and transitions, please visit School Pathways & Transitions.
The annual K-12 Student Transfer Process is a District Administer Program. More information, forms, etc. about this process can be found at https://www.sd61.bc.ca/registration/student-transfer-process/
Sports Eligibility
All competitors must be under nineteen (19) years of age on December 31st of the current school year. (Note: If the competitor has his/her 19th birthday on or after January 1st, he/she is eligible. If his/her birthday falls on or before December 31st, he/she is not eligible.)
All competitors must NOT have completed graduation requirements in the preceding school year, nor have received a senior secondary Certificate of Standing for the completion of graduation requirements during the current school year.
Five Years’ Eligibility: Students have five (5) consecutive years of athletic program eligibility, starting on the entry date into grade 8. A year is considered to be the 12-month period between September of one school year and September of the next school year.
All competitors must be enrolled in a minimum 75% course load for any semester or school year (a minimum of 3 courses per semester during the sports season of play).
New students to Mount Doug who were attending a middle school last year, even if this middle school was outside of the Mount Doug catchment area, are automatically eligible for all inter-school sports in grade 9. Contact Mr. Ball to determine if your child meets the requirements. (cball@sd61.bc.ca)
If transfers are made after the start of grade 10, students may face one year of ineligibility in sports they competed in at their school the previous year.
Please check with Mount Doug Athletic Director Mr. Ball (cball@sd61.bc.ca) and check the B.C. School Sports website for additional information.
Honours Program
Honours courses are available in Math. For grades 10 through 12 teachers will be recommending students for placement in these honours courses. No student application is necessary.
For incoming grade 9’s there are scheduled placement tests for Math 9 Honours. Additional information are following.
Mathematics 9 Honours Application Form