Science Fair

Felicitations go to Mohand Khouider and Alexander Krawciw for their wins in the 53rd Vancouver Island Regional Science Fair at the University of Victoria, on April 20, 2014.

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Mohand Khouider

Mohand, who is grade 11, placed 3rd in the Senior Division for his experiment ‘Superconducting the Future’, in which he used a windmill to power a superconductor.  He took home the BC Hydro For Generations Award and the Nelson Publishing Book Award.

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Alec Krawciw

Alexander Krawciw, who is in grade 9, placed first in the Junior Division and won numerous prizes for his experiment ‘Can You See Clearly Now? The Quest for a Clear Solar Panel’ in which he placed see-through materials on windows for that purpose.He received the BC Hydro Power Smart Award, awards from the BC Oil and Gas Commission, an IMAX Theatre Family Pass, The Gordon Patterson Award, and the Pearson Publishing Book Award.

Thank you so very much for your wonderful efforts, Mohand and Alexander!  You are certainly inspiring!

Students, if you are thinking about entering into next year’s science fair, please visit the Vancouver Island Regional Science Fair website.  On the site, you will find not only judging criteria, regulations, awards, important dates, but also links to previous Science Fair Projects and ideas.  The deadline for entering projects is in March of each year, but it does take time to come up and develop a good project.

If you would like to enter into next year’s science fair, please contact Mr. Newell in Room 227.  All of the Mount Douglas Science teachers are on board to work with you and would be more than pleased to help out.