Processes, Protocols and Procedures

Complaint Process:  Policy and Regulation 1155

We take great pride in our school and reputation; it is imperative we continue to work together to ensure a safe environment for our students, staff, parents and guardians.  That being said, from time to time, concerns may arise in our educational community.  To help resolve issues, the Greater Victoria School District uses a complaint process to ensure that an individual’s concerns will be given respectful attention while upholding the integrity of the educational system.  This process uses clear procedures for the communication and resolution of any concerns held by any member of our educational community.

Healthy, Safe, and Caring Schools

Snapshots were developed through consultation with our schools, community partners and parents and support the goals and strategies of our Learning Support Operational Plan.  The District Team reached out to families through a substance use survey in the spring of 2018 and had 821 respondents.  The vast majority of parents preferred electronic communication which has inspired the Snapshot format.  As well, Learning Support Team members meet regularly with community agencies and high school administrators, around substance use and mental health strategies.  Each month a “Social Emotional wellness Substance Use Snapshot” link will be sent out to the education community.  Click on the link to see all “Snapshots“. McCreary Centre Society Reports can be found here: Download Resources | McCreary Centre Society (

To see more about the Greater Victoria School District #61 “Healthy, Safe and Caring School” initiatives, please click on the icon .